
Healthy Schools Install Caloo Fitness Equipment
Spring Common School in Cambridgeshire and Shaftsbury Junior School in Leicestershire are two UK schools who have recently installed Caloo fitness equipment into their playgrounds.
Spring Common School
Spring Common School is a Cambridgeshire Local Education Authority Co-educational School offering education to children aged 3-19 years who have special educational needs.
Caloo workout in Shaftsbury Junior School, LeicesterFollowing installation of eight items from the Caloo Workout range Assistant Headteacher Debra Smith wrote, “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the advice and patience you had while decisions were made at school. The equipment was sited as requested during the summer holidays and I appreciated that all timescales were kept to.
Today, I went outside to see all of the equipment being used I have been especially pleased with the use throughout the day by our autistic pupils.”
Shaftsbury Junior School
Shaftesbury is a vibrant multicultural Junior school in the heart of Leicester’s West End.
Caloo WorkoutFollowing the installation of eight items from the Caloo Workout range, Karl Stewart, Headteacher wrote “As part of our Be Safe strand of Every Child Matters, we have been looking at ways to increase physical activity at school. Once I had seen the Caloo range, I was very impressed. So were the School Council. We made the decision to go for the Caloo Workout and this was installed over the summer holidays. The workmen were very professional and amenable to our Premises Officer who supervised the work.
When the pupils returned to school, the new gym equipment was an instant hit, with both the pupils and the staff. The kids love it and it is in regular use during playtimes and lunchtimes. It has already been used in some lessons and the staff have got together to have a ‘workout’ one evening a week.
I cannot speak highly enough of both the quality of the equipment and the professional service we received.”