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The Quintet Ensemble of outdoor musical instruments offers a well-rounded range of tones and resonance.
Anyone can take the stage and play improvised music with no tuition or acknowledged musical ability. This pentatonic set offers a varied range of tones, and the sounds produced blend effortlessly into beautiful music.
Comprising; Cherub bells, Sansa-Rimba Mysteria xylophone, the warm tones of the Akadinda, plus a set of 7 Tubular Bells, all accompanying the steady beat of the colourful Rainbow Sambas.
Age Range
From 1 years +User Capacity
6-12 ChildrenClick here to view case studies of our playground, outdoor gym, active and surfacing projects across the UK! Click here
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We all have seen outdoor gym equipment installations in public spaces and parks, whether being a user or walking or driving past outdoor workout...
Creating unforgettable experiences for visitors is key, but have you thought about adding a piece of high-quality playground equipmen READ MORE